GGA 2024 Speaker & Host Preparation Page

Please enter the Great Grow Along (GGA) Backstage promptly at your session start time.
  1. How to enter the GGA Backstage: You’ll receive an individual speaker-invitation email from Zoom on Friday, March 15 in the afternoon/early evening. Please click the link in that email when you are ready to enter the GGA Backstage. If you are unable to find it (after checking junk/spam), send an email to
  2. In the GGA Backstage, you’ll interact with your Q&A host and producer. Your producer will walk you through how to transition into the Live Q&A immediately following your session.
  3. While your session is playing, we encourage you to interact with the audience via the chat. When your session is playing the chat box is located to the right of the video player on your session page in the space where your bio is currently shown.
    1. How to find your session page: Please visit the Agenda (link above in menu), find your session page then click SESSION DETAILS
    2. NOTE: While you’re in the Backstage “room”, pause or mute the video player that’s playing your session. We do not want your audio to bleed back into Backstage.
  4. Just like during your pre-recording, it’s important to have a good internet connection during the chat and live Q&A.
  5. If possible, use a laptop or desktop computer. A mobile device is not suitable to interact with the chat (too much typing), but in case there are no other options – it will work to participate in the Live Q&A.

March 16-31, 2024