
Dig deep and get inspired with 100+ sessions on all the garden topics you love by today’s best educators and influencers. The best garden education curated just for you…

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Food Gardening

Growing Microgreens at Home

Whether you can’t garden due to weather or space constraints, microgreens add joy and a nutritional bang to your diet. Easy to grow, tasty and...

Companion Planting Essentials

Can growing specific types of plants together increase productivity, pest resistance and longevity? Yes. This session demystifies the “old gardener tales” with evidence-based examples of...

Fruit in Small Spaces

Want to incorporate home grown fruit into your garden or landscape? In this fundamentals class, learn about the wide array of easy to grow fruit...

Grow Your Own Medicine

Gardens were the original pharmacies and more people are re-learning how to partner with plants to increase health and wellness safely. In this session, learn...

Seed Secrets

How long do seeds last? How do I know my seeds are still good? How do I store them? Learn the answers to these questions...
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Flower Gardening

Abundance in All Spaces - Resh Gala

Abundance in All Spaces

Don’t let your small space stop you from enjoying a lush and bountiful kitchen garden! Author and professional kitchen garden designer, Resh Gala, shares her...

Flowering Bulb Basics

Don’t know the difference between a rhizome and a corm? A spring-planted bulb vs. a fall-planted bulb? How to plant them? How they “naturalize”? It’s...
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Companion Planting Essentials

Can growing specific types of plants together increase productivity, pest resistance and longevity? Yes. This session demystifies the “old gardener tales” with evidence-based examples of...

Fruit in Small Spaces

Want to incorporate home grown fruit into your garden or landscape? In this fundamentals class, learn about the wide array of easy to grow fruit...

Bee Friendly Gardens

Fundamentals: Bee Friendly Gardens These quick and easy, yet powerful, ideas will help you incorporate bee-friendly practices into your garden and landscape. Learn specific recommendations...

Weed-free Gardening

Learn an easy-to-implement plan of attack to get even the most tenacious weeds under control without the need for potentially harmful synthetic herbicides. Tasha’s weed...

Do I Have Bad Soil?

Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. And it is a complex topic, too. Marco breaks it down so you can determine what...

Small Space Gardening

Description: What does “small space gardening” mean? Do small space gardening techniques differ from a large space? Yes, even small spaces can provide abundant food,...
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Sustainable Gardening

Krystle Hickman

ABCs of Native Bees

"Did you know the United States is home to over 4,000 species of native bees? Most people know relatively little about native bees considering how...

Kill Your Lawn

Every house in America should be fronted with a non-native monoculture with the maintenance requirements of a golf course and the ecological value of a...

The Climate Change Garden

Create a resilient, climate-wise garden and learn how to adapt your garden to cope with volatile weather extremes and other effects of a rapidly changing...

Gardening & Sustainability

We can all do our part to support the environment with our home gardens. In this fundamentals class, learn basic approaches to engrain sustainability practices...

Lawns Into Meadows

Learn how to convert your lawn into a low maintenance, eco-friendly meadow. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows...
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Wellness & Mindfulness

Grow Your Own Medicine

Gardens were the original pharmacies and more people are re-learning how to partner with plants to increase health and wellness safely. In this session, learn...
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