Garden For Wildlife: Bats and Their Benefits

Bats have long been painted as scary monsters or dangerous pests, but the reality is that this diverse group of flying mammals is incredibly important ecologically and even beneficial in our gardens. Naturalist David Mizejewski will introduce you to the fascinating bats of North America and highlight both why you want bats around and how you can help them in your own yard or neighborhood.

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Lawns Into Meadows

Learn how to convert your lawn into a low maintenance, eco-friendly meadow. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution.

It is garden landscaping that is beautiful and easy-care, all year round.

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Garden for Wildlife: Be a Hummingbird Hero

More than 180 North American plant species depend on hummingbirds for pollination. They use their thin beaks and long tongues to drink nectar from flowers and rely on insects to feed their young. Mary Phillips, Head of Garden for Wildlife at National Wildlife Federation and certified master naturalist will share fun facts about these beautiful hummingbird species from across the U.S and the important plants to attract and support the life cycle of these animated creatures.

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Garden For Wildlife: Bats and Their Benefits

Bats have long been painted as scary monsters or dangerous pests, but the reality is that this diverse group of flying mammals is incredibly important ecologically and even beneficial in our gardens. Naturalist David Mizejewski will introduce you to the fascinating bats of North America and highlight both why you want bats around and how you can help them in your own yard or neighborhood.

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Lawns Into Meadows

Learn how to convert your lawn into a low maintenance, eco-friendly meadow. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution.

It is garden landscaping that is beautiful and easy-care, all year round.

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Garden for Wildlife: Be a Hummingbird Hero

More than 180 North American plant species depend on hummingbirds for pollination. They use their thin beaks and long tongues to drink nectar from flowers and rely on insects to feed their young. Mary Phillips, Head of Garden for Wildlife at National Wildlife Federation and certified master naturalist will share fun facts about these beautiful hummingbird species from across the U.S and the important plants to attract and support the life cycle of these animated creatures.

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