Tiny & Wild: Build a Small-Scale Meadow

With as little as a few square feet of space, you can create a beautiful, low-maintenance naturalistic planting that supports a diversity of plants, pollinators, and a plethora of other living things, not to mention its visual appeal in your home garden.

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Meadowscaping made easy...

Learn more from the experts at American Meadows with the best plants and guidance

Graham Gardner
Landscape Designer

Graham Laird Gardner is a leader in the new paradigm of high-functioning, water-smart, and low-maintenance landscapes with over 25 years of experience in landscape design and project management in public, private, and non-profit sectors. His diverse experiences, in New England, Colorado, California, and Puerto Rico, have reinforced his passion to guide the public on best management practices and the importance of creating unique spaces inspired by natural plant communities.

Tiny and Wild: Build a Small-Scale Meadow Anywhere
By Graham Gardner
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Pollinator Wildflower Seed Patches
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Mini Meadows Wildflower Seed Mix
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Backyard Birding Wildflower Seed Mix
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Mini Meadows Wildflower Kit
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How to Grow A No-Waste Kitchen Garden
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Bring Your Garden Indoors
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E H Wilson Mimosa Tree
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E H Wilson Mimosa Tree
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The Vegetable Gardening Book
By Joe Lamp'l
Field Guide to Outside Style
By Ryan McEnaney
A Gardener's Guide to Botany
By Scott Zona
Meadowscaping made easy...

Learn more from the experts at American Meadows with the best plants and guidance

Graham Gardner
Landscape Designer
Session Info & Bio

With as little as a few square feet of space, you can create a beautiful, low-maintenance naturalistic planting that supports a diversity of plants, pollinators, and a plethora of other living things, not to mention its visual appeal in your home garden.

Graham Laird Gardner is a leader in the new paradigm of high-functioning, water-smart, and low-maintenance landscapes with over 25 years of experience in landscape design and project management in public, private, and non-profit sectors. His diverse experiences, in New England, Colorado, California, and Puerto Rico, have reinforced his passion to guide the public on best management practices and the importance of creating unique spaces inspired by natural plant communities.

Meadowscaping made easy...

learn more from the experts at American Meadows with the best plants and guidance

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