Transforming Houseplants with Light
Thursday March 16, 6pm ET
Get the Know How on Houseplants!
Become a better plant parent with Gardening Know How’s complete guide to all things houseplants.

Darryl Cheng
Houseplant Journal
Session Info
Outdoor gardeners generally have a good sense of their sunlight exposure and indoor grow ops have well documented instructions to follow – but houseplant owners are left with vague, hand-wavy directions like “bright indirect light” – which leads to dramatically different interpretations and results.
In this talk, Darryl will reveal the secrets to understanding light with a particular focus on how it applies to houseplants – comparing natural light and grow lights. You will finally be able to make sense of light!
Darryl Cheng is the creator of the incredibly popular blog and Instagram account, House Plant Journal. Darryl’s commitment to excellence and his passion for plants have turned him into one of the most trusted resources of the internet houseplant world. What was initially a hobby Tumblr page has turned into an Instagram account with over half a million followers, a foundational houseplant care book entitled The New Plant Parent, and plant time-lapse videos that have gone viral around the world.
Get the Know How on Houseplants!
Become a better plant parent with Gardening Know How’s complete guide to all things houseplants.

Darryl Cheng
Houseplant Journal
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